Thursday, 6 January 2011

michael Maier

Michael Maier,

1970 in Heidelberg born, work under the slogan: “The art lends wings to the fantasy". Photographies merge into fantasyful works of art.

Michael MaierSurrealistic photo compositions

Michael Maier surrealistic photo compositions oriented at the surrealistic pictures of the 20. century (e.g. Salvador Dalí). The pictures are composed from several photographies. Next the pictures are modified. All picture parts have a special meaning and are carefully composed.

My artistic tool consists of digital mirror reflex camera, PC, graph tablet, scanner, photo printer as well as countless EBV programs. That it is nevertheless not so simple, to use high tech tools, to arrange classical, beautiful pictures, while the technology in the picture remains invisible, all too often proves as long development process.

The todays technology makes it for me possible to set creativity free and carry out my ideas. If one once breathe in “digital” air, gives it has no back more.

Works of art by a special print matter come the work on a high-quality canvas particularly well for validity. Thus the pictures receive the suitable artistic note. In different exhibitions I present my work supraregional since 1999 and in the internet under Gladly I invite you on one of my next exhibitions.
Michael Maier

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