Friday, 29 April 2011
american record label, lots of album covers
Maxim Veherin
deviant mind04 Terrifying Artworks Of A Disturbed Minddeviant mind06 Terrifying Artworks Of A Disturbed Minddeviant mind08 Terrifying Artworks Of A Disturbed Minddeviant mind10 Terrifying Artworks Of A Disturbed Minddeviant mind12 Terrifying Artworks Of A Disturbed Minddeviant mind09 Terrifying Artworks Of A Disturbed Mind
i love the lifeforms Maxim Veherin comes up with, the shapes of there bodies and and the detail and creative parts he gives his images.
mia makila horror art08 Mia Makila   Horror Artmia makila horror art13 Mia Makila   Horror Artmia makila horror art16 Mia Makila   Horror Artmia makila horror art17 Mia Makila   Horror Art
Mia Mikila uses a collage effect to make his paintings. They look like old paintings with political, provoking and horrifying images and settings added on top. There seems to be a lot going on in his work, i like the collage effect me makes by mixing his images and this cut-up and spontaneous setting and feeling he creates.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

this is quite a symmetrical cover. i like the image and the computerised, space age font. the image is like a machine.

ancient cave art. these are animals

This depicts a battle scene in history. I'm not sure what materials were used or what era its from but I like the detail and the perspective. Theres horses and people with weapons.


I'm going to research early art and art forms and discover what were the themes and what the driving forces of ancient art.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

this is good.

kris d

Kris d makes patterns and images by drawing, painting and digitally.
brasil - pencil/paper - 2010
This is similar to a spider web or a snow flake.  

This has flowers and interconnecting shapes. I like the symmetry and the cleanness of the lines and shapes and the difference between the black filled in bits and the open window bits.
This is quite futuristic, i like the big blue stars and how the red ones lay on top.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

I really like the colours used in this album cover, the different subtle shades of red and purple are pleasing and give a sense of fog and baron land with no vegitation. The image is quite simple but the baron landscape and monster-like spikey mountains give an impression of an apocalyptic world over run by inhuman lifeforms.

this is a part human mixed with machine, implying humans are being tortured or controlled by machine or are a hybrid of both. i like the dusty colours used and how the machinery is made. The font is is whispy spikes and gives an impression of danger or scaryness.

what i like this is everything. The colour is similar all over and the sky looks like a whisping storm with birds flying across and a decimated city below. This main image is a throne with the main creature in the centre, half man half demon which appears on other kataklysm album covers. I like the composition of this and the grandness this achieves with this floating throne with the creature chained. The central image gives a great impression of what this band are like, heavy, fast, scary sounding.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011
themes of death metal art
anti religion
anti society
satan worshipping
human hatred
human slavery, disgusting fucked up faces and bones crushed and mangled body parts